Dr. Allen Mendenhall
Grady Rosier Professor, Associate Dean of the Sorrell College of Business, and Executive Director of the Manuel H. Johnson Center
B.A. in English from Furman University, M.A. in English and J.D. from West Virginia
University, LL.M. in transnational law from Temple University, and Ph.D. in English
from Auburn University.
Dr. Mendenhall researches and writes about jurisprudence, political decentralization, legal history, and the intersection of the humanities with law and economics. He has authored or edited several books with university presses, academic trade publishers, and popular presses and has published widely in law reviews, peer-reviewed journals, and scholarly periodicals.
Dr. Daniel Sutter
Director of Research and Academic Programs for the Manuel H. Johnson Center, Charles G. Koch Professor of Economics, and Program Coordinator for the M.A. in Economics
Ph.D. in Economics, George Mason University (1993)
Dr. Daniel Sutter's primary research interests include the societal impacts of extreme weather and climate change, ideological biases in the academy and news media, and the impacts of public policies and regulations. His publications include "Different but Equal? On the Contributions of Dissident Economists," published in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, "Do People Respond to Low Probability Risks? Evidence from Tornado Risk and Mobile Homes," co-authored with Marc Poitras and published in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and "Can the Media be so Liberal? The Economics of Ideological Media Bias," Cato Journal, and "The Costs of Cooperation," co-authored Tyler Cowen and published in The Review of Austrian Economics.
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Daniel Sutter
Dr. John A. Dove
Manuel H. Johnson Professor of Economics
Ph.D. in Economics, West Virginia University (2012)
Dr. John Dove's main areas of research include state and local public finance, economic history, and political economy. His research has been published in such scholarly journals as the Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, and Business and Politics among others.
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John Dove
Dr. Joy Buchanan
Dr. Joy Buchanan is an assistant professor of Quantitative Analysis and Economics
at Samford's Brock School of Business. She uses economic experiments to understand
behavior, especially in labor markets. Please see joybuchanan.com for her publications
or economistwritingeveryday.com for blog posts. She got her Ph.D. in Economics from
George Mason University.
Dr. Art Carden
Dr. Art Carden is a professor of economics at Samford University's Brock School of
Business. He is also a senior fellow with the American Institute for Economic Research
and the Fraser Institute; a research fellow with the Independent Institute; a senior
fellow with the Beacon Center of Tennessee; a senior research fellow with the Institute
for Faith, Work, and Economics; and co-editor of the Southern Economic Journal. His research on mass-market retailers, economic history, and the history of economic
ideas has appeared in journals like the Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Urban Economics, Public Choice, and Contemporary
Economic Policy. He is a contributor to Forbes.com, and his commentaries and other articles have
appeared in USA Today, Productive!, Black Belt, and many other outlets. He earned a B.S. and M.A. from the University of Alabama
and an A.M. and Ph.D. from Washington University in Saint Louis. Before joining the
faculty at Samford, Carden taught economics at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee.
His first book, coauthored with Deirdre McCloskey and titled Leave Me Alone and I'll Make You Rich How the Bourgeois Deal Enriched the World, published by the University of Chicago Press, is available to purchase on Amazon.
He lives in Birmingham with his wife and three children.
Dr. Paul Cleveland
Dr. Paul Cleveland is a Professor of Economics and Finance at Birmingham-Southern
College. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Texas A&M University. He is a Senior
Research Fellow at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics and has authored two
books: Understanding the Modern Culture Wars and Unmasking the Sacred Lies. He is the co-author of two books: The Great Utopian Delusion with Clarence B. Carson and L. Dwayne Barney and the fourth edition of Basic Economics
with Clarence B. Carson. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Private Enterprise, The Independent Review, The Journal of Markets
& Morality, Religion and Liberty, Areopagus Journal, Mises Daily, and The Freeman. He has lectured on free enterprise in Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Peru, China, and
Taiwan and serves as an adjunct scholar for the Alabama Policy Institute and as a
part time scholar for the Apologetics Resource Center.
Dr. Michael DeBow
Professor Michael DeBow is the Stephen Everett Wells Professor of Municipal Law at
Cumberland School of Law at Samford University. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees
in economics from the University of Alabama and his J.D. from Yale Law School. After
practicing law in Washington, D.C., he clerked for Judge Kenneth W. Starr of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He served as attorney-adviser to Federal Trade
Commission chairman James C. Miller III and as special assistant to Assistant Attorney
General Douglas Ginsburg in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.
He has been a special assistant for legal policy to Alabama Attorney General Bill
Pryor, adjunct fellow of the Alabama Policy Institute, visiting professor of law at
George Mason University, Salvatori Fellow of The Heritage Foundation, and a member
of the executive committee of the Association of Private Enterprise Education.
Dr. Jason Jewell
Ph.D. in Humanities, Florida State University (2004). Dr. Jewell chairs the Department
of Humanities at Faulkner University, where he also directs the Center for Great Books
and Human Flourishing. His research interests include the history of political thought,
the history of economic thought, and the intersection of religion and culture. He
is the author or co-author of three academic books and has contributed to nine academic
journals and six encyclopedias. His most recent peer-reviewed article is "The Extent
of Russell Kirk's Support for the Free Market" in the Journal of Markets and Morality (2020).
Dr. Clara E. Piano
Dr. Clara Piano is a proud alumna of Creighton University (BSBA, Economics and Marketing)
and George Mason University (Ph.D., Economics). She is currently an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Quantitative Analysis at Samford University.
Her primary areas of research are family economics, the economics of religion, and
political economy. She has published on mental health and marriage, the relationship
between state and church welfare, the organization of Christian seminaries, and the
School of Salamanca. Her work has also been featured in popular outlets like Public Discourse and the Faith & Economics podcast. Beyond economics, Clara loves reading and discussing Catholic Social Thought,
hiking with her dog, and enjoying the Sardinian food cooked by her husband.
Dr. Lee Trepanier
Dr. Lee Trepanier's scholarly interests include political philosopher Eric Voegelin,
Politics and Literature, Religion and Politics, Liberalism and Conservatism, Democracy
and Education, and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. He is the author and
editor of more than 25 books and publishes numerous academic articles and public intellectual
essays. He is also editor of the Lexington Books series Politics, Literature, and Film and Associate Editor of Law & Liberty.
Dr. Marcus M. Witcher
Dr. Marcus M. Witcher is an Assistant Professor of History at Huntingdon College in
Montgomery, Alabama. He received his BA from the University of Central Arkansas in
2011, an MA from the University of Alabama in 2013, and completed his Ph.D. in history
from UA in 2017. His first book, Getting Right with Reagan: The Struggle for True Conservatism 1980-2016, was published by the University Press of Kansas in 2019. Dr. Witcher is also the
co-editor of the three volume Public Choice Analyses of Economic History (2018, 2018, 2019) and is the co-editor of Conversations on Conservatism: Speeches
from the Philadelphia Society (2021). His next book, co-authored with Rachel Ferguson,
is titled Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America and will be published by Emancipation Press in May of 2022.